Come Along Songs Logo


We benefit from both giving and receiving.


Sometimes it's time for me to care for you,

Sometimes it's time for me to care for me.

Sometimes it's time to sit right back and

Let you come and care for me too.

Caring by noticing you just came in the door,
Noticing your jacket's new, or how your knee is sore;
Caring by telling me my batting's looking good,
Telling how you're feeling proud 'cause I did what I should.


Caring when you clap your hands or pat me on the back,
It says you like my pitching or you think I'm right on track;
Caring by helping when I need to clean my room,
Helping when I need to write a paper on the moon.


Caring by sharing all our secret plans and schemes,
Sharing all our troubles, and our stories and our dreams,
Caring by listening to what I have to say,
Where I want to go to, or what I want to play.


Caring by recalling what we planned to do today,
Remembering the promises I made you yesterday.
Caring comes in many ways, if you'll just look around;
Look at me, and look at you, it's easy to be found.
